Tempus i afsnit
De forskellige afsnit i et engelsksproget bachelorprojekt og speciale har tendens til at anvende forskellige tidsformer (tempus).
Det følgende er en gennemgang af disse tendenser i akademisk arbejde på engelsk afsnit for afsnit. Vær dog opmærksom på at selvom det er behjælpeligt at være opmærksom på disse tendenser forekommer der dog undtagelser.
Nedenstående overblik kan vejlede dit arbejde men husk at det kan være nødvendigt at ændre tidsformer i et givent afsnit alt efter hvad du skriver om.
Abstract eller Summary
Present simple: bruges til at angive fakta; til at sige hvad afhandlingen gør
This thesis examines the ways that ecological poetry relates to political activism.
Our research suggests better economic policies.
Present perfect: bruges til at angive tidligere begivenheder eller forskning som stadig er relevant for nutiden
Thinkers have examined how ecological poetry relates to political activism.
Other economists have suggested different economic policies.
Present simple: bruges til at angive hvad afhandlinge gør og hvorfor det er vigtigt
This research is relevant to how we understand the role of poetry.
Effective economic policies help societies to prosper.
Past simple: bruges til at bringe historisk baggrund
In his time, Thoreau concerned himself with living in harmony with nature.
Ronald Reagan’s policies changed America’s political landscape.
Present simple: bruges til at beskrive teorier og angive definitioner
In lyric poetry, the speaker presents his perspective on a given situation.
“Reaganomics” refers to the economic policies of Reagan administration.
Present perfect: bruges til at angive forskning som stadig er relevant for afhandlingens nuværende forskningsinteresse (se “Abstract eller Summary”) afsnittet foroven
Metodologi og Resultater
Past simple: bruges til at angive begivenheder der begyndte og endte i fortiden, såsom et eksperiment
We conducted semi-structured interviews with the participants.
We found that participants had much to say about their workplaces.
A multivariate linear regression was used.
Present simple: bruges til at beskrive et metodisk værktøjs funktion (som ikke ændres over tid)
Multivariate linear regressions are revelant to use for sets of correlated random variables.
Konklusion eller Diskussion
Present simple: bruges til at angive fortolkninger af data
The results indicate a steady increase in net gain for x and y companies.
We cannot conclude that this growth will continue on the basis of this study.
Past simple: bruges til at angive detaljer om hvordan studiet har fundet sted
The sample size was adequate for a qualitative analysis, but it was not big enough to provide good grounds for predictions.
Anbefalinger og Implikationer
Modal auxiliary (kaldes ofte for hjælpeverber på dansk): bruges til at angive mangel på et bestemt udfald.
Simple future with hedging word (kaldes ofte for afklarende ord): bruges til at angive tanker om hvad fremtidige studier kan fokusere på, og til forsigtige forudsigelser
Modal auxiliary: Responses to the survey suggest that many more people in this profession may be unsatisfied with their vacation time.
Modal auxiliary: Future research should conduct more sustained investigations of this phenomenon.
Simple future with hedging word: The results of the study indicate that the glaciers will likely continue to melt.
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Eriksen, T. (7. december 2016). Tempus i afsnit. Scribbr. Retrieved 28. marts 2025, from https://www.scribbr.dk/struktur-i-din-afhandling/tempus-i-afsnit/